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作家相片Chih-Hung Lin 林志鴻


作者:Fu-ChanWei MD,Nidal Farhan AL Deek MSc MD, Ming-Huei Cheng MD, MBA, Chih-Hung Lin MD

文章發表:Clinics in Plastic Surgery, Volume 43, Issue 4, October 2016, Pages 615-620

大綱:本文主旨在分析不利於游離皮瓣存活率的顯微外科頭頸部重建結果。 不好的結果產生的原因是規劃,設計和執行不當或不充分。 建議在顯微手術前需衡量重建計劃,設計和執行的三者間的關係,以控制游離皮瓣存活後的不良結局。 作者於本文分享如何避免不良後果的哲學和策略。提供案例研究和作者的手術動態來精簡信息。

Analysis of unfavorable results in microsurgical head and neck reconstruction beyond free flap survival is the goal of this article. Unfavorable outcome is the result of poor or inadequate planning, design, and execution. A triangular relationship between the 3 corners of a microsurgical reconstruction-plan, design, and execution-is suggested to govern the unfavorable outcome after a surviving free flap. This article shares the authors' philosophy and strategies to avoid untoward outcomes. Cases studies and the authors' surgery dynamics are provided to simplify the message.

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